AMI组成员赴俄罗斯参加“2017年机械、系统与控制工程”(ICMSC 2017)国际会议


2017年5月19日至5月21 日,我院胡友民教授、郑坤明博士赴俄罗斯圣彼得堡参加“2017年机械、系统与控制工程”(ICMSC 2017)国际会议,胡友民教授作题为“基于压缩感知的远程健康监护系统”(A remote health condition monitoring system based on compressed sensing)的专题报告,郑坤明博士作题为“起重机的智能轨迹规划”(The intelligent trajectory planning control of the crane)的专题报告。


本次会议内容包括口头汇报,海报会议及相关技术会议。著名的主讲嘉宾Polyakova Marina教授作题为“新竞争环境下创新产品标准制定规范的集成方法论”( Integrated Methodology for Standard-Setting Norms of Innovative Product in the New Competitive Environment)的专题报告, Kwang-Yong Kim教授作题为“定子罩气动轴向压缩机的多目标优化”( Multi-Objective Optimization of an Axial Compressor with Air Injection at Stator Shroud)的专题报告, Nikos A. Aspragathos教授作题为“安全高性能人机协同操作”( Safe and high performance Human-Robot co-manipulation)的专题报告,开阔了我们的眼界,了解了机械、系统控制领域的研究热点。本次会议鼓励提交具有创新研究成果的论文。


Professor Youmin Hu and Dr. Kunming Zheng of our institute attended the 2017 International Conference on Mechanical, System and Control Engineering (ICMSC 2017) ,which was hold in St.Petersburg, Russia, during May 19-21, 2017. Professor Youmin Hu presented the special report entitled " A remote health condition monitoring system based on compressed sensing ", Dr. Kunming Zheng presented the special report entitled "The intelligent trajectory planning control of the crane "

The objectives of the conference provided high quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science, technology, and fellowship in the field of mechanical, system and control engineering.  This conference provided opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. The theme of the conference covered the latest developments in the field of mechanical, systems and control engineering. In this conference, besides the special reports, Professor Youmin Hu, Dr. Kunming Zheng exchanged views with the delegates in the field of mechanical control system in-depth, and understanding the foreign development status of remote monitoring system and robot intelligent control field, and putting forward constructive suggestions on the development direction of mechanical system control field

This event include oral presentations, posters sessions and technical conferences related to the topics dealt with in the Scientific Program. the participation of renowned keynote speakers as follows: Professor Polyakova Marina presented the special report entitled " Integrated Methodology for Standard-Setting Norms of Innovative Product in the New Competitive Environment ", Professor Kwang-Yong Kim presented the special report entitled " Multi-Objective Optimization of an Axial Compressor with Air Injection at Stator Shroud ", and Professor Nikos A. Aspragathos presented the special report entitled " Safe and high performance Human-Robot co-manipulation ". Broading our horizons, and understanding the research hotspots of mechanical, systems, control areas. Papers with new research results were encouraged for submission.

Attending to the meeting in Russia was supported by the international cooperation promotion program of the Shool of Mechanical Science & Engineering.


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